
(编译2014年1月6日MT -更新2014年8月25日CB)


National Science 基金会 grant for laser and fiber optics training
在9月. 2013, Indian River State College, along with 澳门金沙注册 and eight 其他学院,被授予2美元.国家科学基金会拨款900万建立一个区域 激光与光纤培训中心.

在8月. 2013, Valencia, along with Seminole State College and Lake-Sumter State College, 被授予三年,1美元.500万路易斯·斯托克斯少数民族参与联盟 (LSAMP) 'Bridges to the Baccalaureate Alliances' grant by the NSF to increase the number of minority students moving into majors in science, technology, engineering 和数学(STEM),当他们转到四年制大学时.

From 2009 to 2012, Valencia served as a 'Leader College' for the 实现梦想 基金会.

Leah Meyer Austin机构学生成功领导奖
In 2008, Valencia was selected as the first 赢家 of this award, given by Achieving the Dream, because of excellent execution of data-informed initiatives to close performance 来自不同种族和经济背景的学生之间的差距.


Valencia named to Washington Monthly's list of the top 50 community colleges in the 国家(2013).

In Community College Week's latest rankings (for the 2012 - 2013 academic year), Valencia was at the top of the national list in several categories, including:

  • 澳门金沙注册一年证书数量排名第二.
  • 在授予副学士学位的数量上排名第四.
  • 5th in the number of associate degrees awarded to Hispanic students.
  • 7th in the number of associate degrees awarded to African-American students.

The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education magazine named Valencia to the list in 2013 based on the college's ranking as 17th in the nation for the number of degrees awarded 西班牙裔大学生.

在10月. 2012, 澳门金沙注册's DirectConnect™ to UCF program was selected by Excelencia 在华盛顿特区的一家教育机构.C.作为美国的顶级项目 increasing academic opportunities and success for Latino students at the associate 水平.

Winner of the inaugural Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence
In 2011, the Aspen Institute named Valencia the top community college in the nation after a year-long effort to recognize excellence in the nation's 1,200 community colleges, based on student performance and graduation data collected by the U.S. 部门 的教育.


Valencia's 通往成功的桥梁 Program received the 2013 家庭影响奖 from Orlando's BETA Center, a nonprofit agency that helps at-risk families, pregnant teenagers 青少年妈妈.

In 2013, 金沙注册被命名为“军事友好学校” for the second year in a row. The designation is awarded to the top 20 percent of colleges, universities and trade schools in the country that are doing the most to embrace military students and ensure 他们在课堂上和毕业后的成功.


在1月. 2103, the United States Green Building Council's Central Florida Chapter awarded 澳门金沙注册 a 'Building of the Year LEEDership 奖' for the college's University Center, a joint-use facility that Valencia shares with University of Central 位于金沙注册西校区的佛罗里达大学(UCF).

In 2012, the Lake Nona Campus and Building 10 on West Campus were awarded Level 3 绿色建筑倡议组织(GBI)颁发的绿色地球仪认证. 

Winner of the National Purchasing Institute's Achievement of Excellence in Procurement 奖. (2011)


美国国家安全局(National Security Agency)和美国情报机构.S. 国土安全部已经指定 澳门金沙注册 as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance 2012-2017年两年制教育.

Valencia's 烹饪 Management team won gold medal in the state American 烹饪 Federation competition and a silver medal in the ACF regional competition (fall 2011 ——2012年春季).

Valencia's student-produced literary magazine, 'Phoenix,' is an award-winning publication, having received first place in the Florida College System Publications Association's 连续四年完工.

Valencia's 电影 Production Technology students have worked on-set for professional 包括2012年凯特·丹宁斯(Kat Dennings)主演的《澳门金沙注册》(Renee). 2011年,国际电影摄影师奖 Guild Magazine named the program one of 'Super Six Cinema Education Programs.'

Valencia students routinely sweep the ADDY 奖s, an advertising and design competition. Within the student category, we have had local gold 赢家s and a national silver 赢家.

金沙注册的护理R.N. 学生在全国考试中得分一直在90%以上 licensing exam for registered nurses—higher than state and national averages.

在11月. 2013, two Valencia students won second place in the 'Sound for Visual Media' category of the student competition at the annual convention of the Audio Engineering Society, an international sound-recording competition held in New York.


2013年,Dr。. 斯泰西R. 他是金沙注册学院东部和冬季公园的校长 campuses, was named to the board of directors of 佛罗里达中部联合艺术学院, the umbrella organization that supports more than 50 Central Florida arts and cultural 组.

In 2013, 澳门金沙注册 Vice President for Policy and 总法律顾问 William J. (Bill) Mullowney has been elected chair of the Board of Directors of the National 学院和大学律师协会.

2013年,Dr。. James May, who teaches 英语 as a Second Language at 澳门金沙注册, has been named one of the 教育领域40大创新者 by the Center for Digital 教育(CDE). May is known for pioneered the use of cell phones and computer-assisted 在课堂上学习.

Kathleen Plinske, Osceola Campus President, Named 年度杰出女性 奥兰多商业杂志(2012)

对博士的认可. 桑福德·舒加特,金沙注册学院院长