Notification of Social Security Number Collection and Usage

In compliance with FL 法令 119.071(5), this document serves to notify you of the 收集和使用您的社会安全号码的目的.

金沙注册学院(金沙注册)收集和使用您的社会安全号仅用于以下目的 in performance of the Colleges duties and responsibilities. To protect your identity, 金沙注册会保护你的SSN不被未经授权的访问,严格禁止泄露 将您的社会安全号码转让给违反州和联邦法律的未授权方 you a unique student/employee identification number. This unique ID number is used 为金沙注册所有相关的就业和教育目的.

Table of Statutory and Regulatory Authority


Human Resources
您的SSN用于合法的商业目的,用于完成和处理 following:

  • Federal I-9 (Department of Homeland Security)
  • Federal W4, W2, 1099 (Internal Revenue Service)
  • Federal Social Security taxes (FICA)
  • Distributing Federal W2 (Internal Revenue Service)
  • Unemployment Reports (FL Dept of Revenue)
  • Florida Retirement Contribution reports (FL Dept of Revenue)
  • Workers Comp Claims (FCCRMC and Department of Labor)
  • 403b contribution reports
  • Group health, life and dental coverage enrollment
  • Work study work assignment



与 美国机会、信用和终身学习相关的联邦立法 学分要求所有高等教育机构报告 学费交易 during the calendar year to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This IRS requirement 使得 高等院校 有必要征收 社会保障 number (SSN) of every student. A student may refuse to disclose his or her SSN to 为此目的,学院 ,但IRS随后被授权罚款的学生 the amount of $50.00.

除了联邦报告要求外,佛罗里达州的公立学校系统 uses SSNs as a student identifier (section 1008.386, F.S.). In a seamless K-20 system, 高等院校有机会澳门金沙注册相同的信息是有益的 为了跟踪和帮助学生顺利完成从一年级的过渡 education level to the next.

Financial Aid
美国教育部(USDOE)联邦学生免费申请 援助(FAFSA)要求所有申请人报告他们的SSN用于所有联邦 作为处理和报告的学生标识符的经济援助计划. In addition 到USDOE将其用作学生标识符时,SSN是必需的 国土安全部调查公民身份,为联邦 Work Study Program, 及在所有贷款申请上必须填写,以供贷款人/服务机构/担保人使用.

金沙注册在某些机构奖学金申请中收集学生的社会安全号 for student files and federal and state audit/reporting purposes.

如果你是佛罗里达州助学金或奖学金的接受者,如佛罗里达州 学生
援助补助金,佛罗里达州工作经验或光明的未来佛罗里达州部门 在发放助学金/奖学金时需要使用社会安全号 website and for reporting purposes.

学生、教师和工作人员的金沙注册身份证(VID)号码将在图书馆使用。 用户数据库(LINCC),用于在线登录认证、用户验证和 the elimination of duplicate records.

Outreach Programs
桥梁和大学接触计划是青年外展(干预)项目 由美国或佛州教育部酌情拨款资助. 为了 为了验证参与者的项目资格,需要提供社会安全号码 并在提交年度绩效报告时使用 due to the US or FL Departments of Education.

Workforce Programs (i.e., BANNER Center)
这些项目是由美国劳动力创新局(AWI)资助的 SSN as an identifier for program enrollment and completion. Also, it is used for entering 就业信息进入OSMIS或全州范围内的佛罗里达就业市场 data collection and reporting system. Because these are performance based contract 项目,AWI要求所有参与者和他们的项目相关活动 be recorded in the Florida state system.

Valencia收集承包商的SSN信息,以便归档所需的信息 根据联邦法律的要求和授权,向国税局申报.

Appendix 1
State and Federal 法令s and Regulations
That Mandate or Authorize the Use of Social Security Numbers
目的 Required Use of SSN's Notice Requirements 法令 Mandatory
Employment / Hiring

学院需要收集和检查员工的社会安全号以进行验证,工作资格, and reporting for social security and taxes.

  • Employment Application
  • I-9
  • SSN tax/FICA
  • W-9's (request for SSN)
  • W-2 statement / re-issue
  • W-4
Filing and issuance of federal employment forms; I-9, W-4, W-9, and annual wage statements; Notice provided on forms

8 USC 1324a(b); (I-9)

20 CFR 404.452 (W-4)

26 CFR 31.6011(b)-2

requires employee provide SSN to employer;

119.071(5), FS regarding the collection, use and disclosure of SSNs

是的,这是强制性的,但受隐私法使用条件的约束 1974年,5 USC 552a(拒绝披露社会保险编号而拒绝提供福利是违法的,除非 authorized by federal statute, or law enacted prior to 1975)
Employment (Contractor) Federal W-9, Form 1099 Internal Revenue Code, Section 6109; Title 26 US Code Required (if no FEIN provided)
Employment Unemployment N/A State of Florida; disclosure per 119.071(5)(a)6.b., FS Yes, for administrative use
Employment Retirement N/A Florida Department of Revenue - disclosure per 119.071(5)(a)6.b. Yes, for administrative use
Employment Workers Compensation Claims N/A 440.185, F.S. Department of Labor, FCCRMC Yes, for administrative use
Employment 403(b) Contribution Reports N/A US Tax Code 501(c)(3) Yes, for administrative use

Group health, life and dental coverage enrollment

Employee and dependents of employee

员工及家属行政使用通知或人力资源表格 119.071(5)(a)6.f. 允许披露机构为管理目的而持有的ssn health plan for employees and dependents.



Contracts and Grants 对于某些联邦合同/补助金,需要包括雇员在内的报告 SSN's for equal employment opportunity reports and reports to IRS N/A

41 CFR 60-4.3

Yes, where required reporting.
学生 Financial Aid

要求机构核实学生的SSN,收集的信息包括 parents of dependents seeking aid. Requires student to submit SSN to obtain grant, loan or work assistance.


Required to complete FAFSA.


Notice through FAFSA and applications

20 USC 1078; 20 USC sections 1090, 1091, 1092.

1965年《澳门金沙注册》第483条(收集学生和 父母)

34 CFR 668.16, (administrative use)

34 CFR 668.33 (verify residency)

34 CFR 668.36, (verify with FAFSA)

Yes, to be eligible for assistance.
学生 Admissions / Application 要求ssn用于跟踪学生,并根据IRS代码授权收集 Application statement / notice

1008.386 , F.S. (College may not require SSN as a condition of

admission or graduation)

SBE Rule 6A-1.0955(3)(e)授权学院维护包括SSN在内的信息 on adult students)

IRC Section 25A

(American Opportunity
Credit / Lifetime Tax Credit reporting)

119.071(5)(a), FS. Collection and disclosure

学生可以拒绝,但根据IRC条款可能会受到50美元的罚款.25A. (American Opportunity
Credit / Lifetime Tax Credit)

Pursuant to 1008.386 F.S.


学生 Income Taxes 发出表格1098T(学费支付报告)及1098e(贷款利息) N/A

26 USC 3402, 6051

26 CFR 1.6050

SSN or TIN required for filing
American Opportunity
Credit / Lifetime Tax Credit
Reporting of SSNs to IRS N/A Federal Register, June 16, 2000\IRC Sect. 25A 学生 may refuse, but subject to fine.

College Reach-Out program (CROP)

Agency for Workforce Programs

Federal Work Study

Administrative use and state (FDOE) or federal reporting (DOE); SSNs may also be used 用于验证项目的资格并建立居住要求. N/A

119.071(5)(a), FS.


34 cfr 668.36

Yes, eligibility and administrative use